Gun Control.
Gun Control.
One death from a gun is too many. Since the year 1985, here in the United States, on an annual basis, we have in the range of 35,000-45,000-gun deaths annually. That number is similar to the student population of some of our most prominent universities. So, take a moment to contemplate the idea that someone will gun down everyone at the largest University in your State every year. It is horrifying. The terror, pain, and shortening of beautiful lives that gun-wielding humans have caused are unnecessary and heartbreaking. And the excruciatingly sad fact is that some humans are so mentally ill that they have taken guns, walked into elementary schools, and executed a school shooting. This depth of evil is so extreme that any reasonable person can conclude that firearms should be removed from society. So why is it that despite the pain people inflict with guns, many United States citizens protect firearms ownership, including me?
I support the second amendment primarily because there is a temptation for humans to want to control other humans. Most of us know firsthand what inescapable control feels like since we have experienced sexual abuse. Honestly, I do not want anyone to feel that way, especially in our Nation. Based on the readings that I have completed about our founding fathers, I know that their greatest wish was that we would remain as free as possible. One of the ways they tried to ensure our freedom was by flipping the balance of power, and the second amendment was born. They had powerful feelings regarding this issue and believed citizens should carry guns. One of my favorite quotes about this issue is from Thomas Jefferson: "The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." (Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824). Yes, he honestly thought 'the people' should always be armed.
In contrast, some of the peoples of the world have attempted to create a revolutionary society, one where the citizens are well educated and unarmed, and the government has control of the Nation not by wielding guns/weapons but by establishing mutual respect. I think of Japan's and Scandanavian countries' success with this approach. However, I also can't help but wonder if history will end up repeating itself and someone with a dark triad personality, or simply a group with a fair share of power, could evilly assert their control. Ultimately, the people will lose their freedom without the ability to fight.
This kind of power grab in not unheard of in the world today; in fact, we all just watched China subdue Hong Kong. China is an interesting case study of why keeping the second amendment might be wise. China has a relatively educated citizenry paired with strict gun control measures. I think the imbalance of power has resulted in actual crimes against humanity, but even if this isn't the case, I am not sure how free the people feel. From what I understand, there seems to be an extreme overreach, including terrifying new ways to control their people, like drones that carry machine gun robot dogs that can dispense 600 rounds of ammunition. Good grief, the power is very one-sided, and this type of power differential doesn't look good for the citizens of China, and as a fellow human of this world, I am frightened and worried for them. I am not sure how the Chinese citizens could even fight back. Another terrifying revelation is that China's government has stated publicly that the United States' big issue is the second amendment and that the government needs to abolish that right. Yikes, based on China's treatment of its citizens, it should make us think twice about the gun control issue.
Now, just because the architects of this Nation believed, based on their understanding of history and human nature, that power must have a balance in all aspects, we do not have to continue going down this road. We all should ask ourselves some questions; perhaps you could start with these: Why do you personally think our forefathers concluded that it was necessary for 'the people' to have guns? Do you think the benefits of protecting our liberty and freedom outweigh the costs of mass shootings? Do you think our forefathers would place limits on firearms today? If so, how? Why or why don't you trust people who are in control of our government concerning the gun debate? Do we know more about humanity than our forefathers did? Do people still want to control others? If so, why? or why not? Is the real issue mental illness, the ease of obtaining guns, or both? What should we do?
After thinking about this issue, if we conclude we should keep the status quo regarding guns, that doesn't mean things shouldn't change because the pain caused by people wielding guns is genuine. There are many ideas we could come up with in society, but here are a few to start the conversation: Perhaps from an early age, every child in the Nation should go through training courses with guns. If guns become a reality for children, there might be fewer accidents and problems as children grow into adults. Also, character/moral development might be a necessity. Moral training helps individuals understand the consequences of actions and helps to ensure better decision-making. Perhaps, every able person in our Nation should be a part of the military. The reasoning is that the military could help individuals understand that they are a part of a bigger team called the USA. Maybe, there should be mandatory psychological evaluations for children, preteens, or teenagers. The people who are found to need mental health help then should be offered assistance. Possibly there should be more police, not less, to aid in the protection of unarmed citizens. Instead of assuming that police are bad, we should celebrate those who correctly protect our way of life and punish those who misbehave. Or we might go the other way; it may be that we limit some of our rights regarding purchasing guns, or we could give up all of our guns and believe our government will protect us. We have a choice because in this Nation, the people are in control, not the politicians.
To wrap it up, I encourage you to conduct critical thought on this issue, sort it out in your mind and then talk to people about your true feelings. Then, I hope you will work with your State government officials to change what needs to be changed. A grassroots movement will be the only way o make any change in this country; it will have to be a bottom-up change, not top to bottom. But do remember, it is an absolute truth that humans try to control other humans with manipulation or force. Gun control could be an avenue whereby power-driven humans try to control society, which is why our Nation's creators held gun rights sacred. On the other hand, each freedom can and does infringe on other people's freedoms. Therefore, it is how we work and create laws within that overlap to ensure the most liberty for people while protecting others.